Sunday, September 14, 2014

How to convert a colored image to black and white using Lab color in Photoshop CS6 (Destructive method)

There are  various ways of converting an image from colored to Black and White.Here we shall discuss the method that is destructive which means that the method makes changes directly to the image.Hence it is advisable to make a copy of the image.The advantage of using this method is that it is very quick.
                                                     Before                               After
1) Opening the image in the Photoshop window
Open the colored image in Photoshop CS6 by using the menu File > Open or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O .This will open a dialog box.Select the image by clicking on its name and click on Open button.

2) Selecting the Lab Color option
After we see the image in Photoshop window we need to select the Lab Color option.For doing this we need to select menu Image > Mode > Lab Color.After selecting the Lab Color option we do not see any change in the image in the photoshop window.It seems like Lab Color has done nothing.
3)Switching over to Channels Panel
To get the black and white image we need to switch over to Channels Panel next to the Layers Panel by clicking on Channels.We can see four layers in the Channels Panel viz Lab,Lightness,a and b.We have to select the Lightness layer either by clicking on Lightness layer or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl +3.Immediately we can see the image in the photoshop window converted to black and white.

 In case we are not satisfied with the change we can get back  the original image at this point by using the menu Edit > Undo Lab Color command or by using keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z.Alternatively we can use the menu Edit > Step Backward or use the keyboard shortcut Alt +Ctrl +Z.

3)Saving the image
After we are satisfied with the adjustments we will save the image.Photoshop will not save the modified image at this stage.For saving the converted image we need to convert the image to grayscale.

a)Converting to Grayscale
For changing the mode to Grayscale we need to select menu Image > Mode  > Grayscale.
Photoshop brings up a confirmation dialog box  asking us to confirm whether to discard other channels.We will click on OK.


b)Saving the converted image
Now we can save the image by selecting the menu File > Save or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S.This will open a dialog box where we can write the name of the image.After typing a name click on Save button.

The disadvantage of using this method is that once we save the image we cannot get the original colored image again.Also we have no control over the conversion.

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