Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to get Sepia tone on a color image using Photo Filter in Photoshop CS6(Non Destructive)

Sepia tone means giving a brownish color to the black and white version of the image.It gives a somewhat antique look to the image.
There are  various ways of getting Sepia tone on an image.Here we shall discuss the method that is  non destructive which means that the method uses separate layers to apply the changes.It does not make any changes directly to the image.We will use a Photo Filter... command to get the sepia toning.

                                                              Before                After
1) Opening the image in the Photoshop window
Open the colored image in Photoshop CS6 by using the menu File > Open or by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + O .This will open a dialog box.Select the image by clicking on its name and click on Open button.

We can see the image opened as Background layer in the Layers panel.
2)Converting the image to Black and White
After we see the image in Photoshop window we need to convert it to Black and White.There are various ways of converting it to Black and White.We shall select one of the Non Destructive methods of converting the color image to black and white.Let's use Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

3) Selecting the Hue/Saturation... option
We need to open the Hue /Saturation  properties window.For this we need to select the  Hue/Saturation option.There are two ways of selecting the  Hue/Saturation option.

a) Select menu Layer > New Adjustment Layer >  Hue/Saturation...

We can see a dialog box asking the name of the new adjustment layer.By default Photoshop names it  Hue/Saturation1.If we want we can type in any other name or we can leave it as  Hue/Saturation1.Click on OK button after naming the layer.
Dialog box to enter name
b) The other way to get the  Hue/Saturation option is by clicking on the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon (half colored circle) in the bottom of the layers panel and selecting Hue/Saturation... option.
4) Hue/Saturation Properties panel
a)Setting saturation value to -100
Now we can see a  Hue/Saturation Properties panel with sliders for Hue,Saturation and Lightness.We need to drag the Saturation slider towards the leftmost corner till saturation value reaches -100.We can observe that the color of the image has become black and white.

b)Exiting out of Hue/Saturation Properties panel
To hide the Hue/Saturation Properties panel click on the double pointing arrow on the top right of the properties panel.To exit out of the Hue/Saturation Properties panel click on the cross mark on the top right corner of the properties panel or click on the down pointing arrow at the top right corner of the properties panel and select close.
We can see a new layer with a thumbnail (rectangle divided into two parts and the upper half of the rectangle divided into three parts)added just above the image layer in the layers panel on the right side of the photoshop window.

5)Selecting the Photo Filter... option
After we see the image in Photoshop window we need to open the Photo Filter Properties Panel.For this we need to select the  Photo Filter option.There are two ways of selecting the  Photo Filter option.

a) Select menu Layer > New Adjustment Layer >  Photo Filter... 

b) The other way to get the Photo Filter option is by clicking on the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon (half colored circle) in the bottom of the layers panel and selecting Photo Filter... option.
4) Photo Filter Properties panel
Now we can see a Photo Filter Properties panel with a Radio Button showing Filter option selected and a Dropdown for selecting the type of Filter.We will click on the double arrow and select Sepia option.We will increase the Density to 100% by moving the Density slider towards the right.

We can see the Sepia effect on the image in the Photoshop Window.
                                                                 Black and white      Sepia
To hide the Photo Filter Properties panel click on the double pointing arrow on the top right of the properties panel.To exit out of the Photo Filter Properties panel click on the cross mark on the top right corner of the properties panel or click on the down pointing arrow at the top right corner of the properties panel and select close.
We can see a new layer with a thumbnail (camera with a small circle on top of it)added above the Hue/Saturation layer in the layers panel on the right side of the photoshop window.
6)Saving the image
After we are satisfied with the adjustments we will save the image by selecting the menu File > Save or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S.This will open a dialog box where we can write the name of the image.After typing a name click on Save button.

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