Thursday, October 2, 2014

How to get Sepia toning using Solid Color in Photoshop CS6 (Non Destructive method)

Sepia tone means giving a brownish color to the black and white version of the image.It gives a somewhat antique look to the image.
There are  various ways of getting Sepia tone on an image.Here we shall discuss the method that is  non destructive which means that the method uses separate layers to apply the changes.It does not make any changes directly to the image.We will use a Solid Color... command to get the sepia toning.
                                                       Before                              After
1) Opening the image in the Photoshop window
Open the colored image in Photoshop CS6 by using the menu File > Open or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O .This will open a dialog box.Select the image by clicking on its name and click on Open button.

We can see the image opened as Background layer in the Layers panel.

2)Converting the image to Black and White
After we see the image in Photoshop window we need to convert it to Black and White.There are various ways of converting it to Black and White.We shall select one of the Non Destructive methods of converting the color image to black and white.

3)Selecting the Black & White... option
  We shall use a Black and White adjustment layer for converting the color image to black and white.There are different ways of getting a Black and White adjustment layer.

a)We can select the menu Layer > New Adjustment Layer >Black and White.This will open a New Layer dialog box asking us to enter a name for the Black and White adjustment layer.By default Photoshop names it Black and White 1 .We can leave the name as it is or change it to something else.Then we will press the OK button .


b)The other way to select Black and White adjustment layer is to click on the half colored circle at the bottom of the layers panel on the right side of the photoshop window and selecting Black and White option from the options list.
4) Black & White Properties panel
Now we can see a  Black & White Properties panel with sliders for Reds,Yellows,Greens,Cyans,
Blues and Magentas. We can observe that the color of the image is black and white.

  We can see a new layer with a half colored thumbnail added just above the image layer in the layers panel on the right side of the photoshop window.

4)Closing the Black & White Properties Panel
To hide the Black & White Properties panel click on the double pointing arrow on the top right of the properties panel.To exit out of the Black and White Properties panel click on the cross mark on the top right corner of the properties panel or click on the down pointing arrow at the top right corner of the properties panel and select close.

5)Selecting Color Fill... option
Now we need to fill the image with a color somewhere close to brown.For this we need to select Color Fill option which can be done in different ways.

a)We can select menu Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color...This will open a New Layer dialog box asking us to name the new solid color layer.By default Photoshop names it Color Fill 1.We can either enter a name of our choice or leave it as it is.

 b)The other way to select Solid Color... option is to click on the half colored circle at the bottom of the layers panel on the right side of the photoshop window and selecting Solid Color... option from the options list.
We can see a new layer Color Fill 1 added in the layers panel and a Color Picker dialog box.
6)Color Picker Dialog Box
Selecting the solid color option will open a Color Picker dialog box where we have to select the color in brown shade.We will enter af995a in the rectangle box at the bottom of R,G,B values .Alternatively we can enter R value as 175,G value as 153 and B value as 90.We will click on OK to exit out of the Color Picker dialog box.

We can see the entire image as a brownish color rectangle.The image is hidden behind the color.
7) Changing the blend mode to overlay
To see the actual image which is hidden behind the solid color we need to change the blend mode from Normal to Overlay.For doing this we need to click on the up-down pointing arrow on the top of the layers panel and select Overlay from the pop up menu.

8)Saving the image
After we are satisfied with the adjustments we will save the image by selecting the menu File > Save or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S.This will open a dialog box where we can write the name of the image.After typing a name click on Save button.